Monday, April 25, 2011

youtube makes megamillion branches out of my fingertips and brainends!


IT ALL started with John Estrada's wedding. No, from Regine-Ogie nuptials, because I wanted my mom to see it because of her slipping memory. Anyhoo... Then after the comical-serious (rom-com?) of the songbird and her music-maker groom, I glimpsed at John's. Then this is the first branchifying tale: I really like the music. Under comments, no titles. click 3x on the 4th page. next-next clicking. GOTCHA! the second song is SEASON OF LOVE, which took my breath, my sleeping privileges, my bed time, my afternoon nap! and my chance to dream France and its vineyard!

Second branch? Ending up, hearing the song of Mat Kearney, which is a song played on The Vampire Diaries. The title is... what was THAT? wait... Ah-OK! "here we go" and now, i am heavy with my eyeglasses on. 

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