Monday, April 18, 2011

dear diary

image by deviantart

I swam with Bam. I don't usually swim in the sea across my flat. My closest affinity to the sea is by looking at it because I want to know desperately my subconscious! Dirty water, dirty things in my subcon. Clean water, kissing my subcon's surfaces!
       I took a plunge despite the volume-packed trisikads parking by the seawall because I could see the things underwater. The water was clear like the vocals of the valedictorian in the school. I announced that I would swim and Bammie cried as a sign that she would be my co-swimmer! OK, you could go to the beach, but please not in your PJs...
       I carried her. from gate to seawall to beach to seawater. I was happy because she loved the water as compared to her brother when he was her age.
       We swam with wild abandon. The little fishboats could tell as well as the bigger ones.
       Bam toyed with the black sand using her feet. I was standing a couple of inches from here. I was dunked in the sea, moving like the fish nearby. Seeing fish here was happiness. But extinction was sighted as told by old folks in the school.
      "Bam, naay tae dool sa imong tiil!"--Bam, there's a poop/turd near your foot...
      They say poop is lucky.Do you mean that my subconsious is telling me that I am lucky today?

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